Applicant and Project Coordinator
It is a young sport club, recently born (in 2013) in Ascoli Piceno (Center of Italy, Marche Region), but having strong and ancient roots, which can count on people with meaningful and relevant experiences (decades long) in Italian sport, both on a personal as well as cooperation levels. The Polisportiva Antroposport A.S.D. project is born out of the desire and ability to design towards the future by the scientific cultural associations I.P.A.E.A. and I.A.S.S.C. of Ascoli Piceno, which operate stably in Italy and abroad, respectively, since 1981 and since 2003, in the fields of psychotherapy, counseling, anthropology and human sciences, even with international partners such as the Professional Psychotherapeutic League of Russia (since 2001) as well as other Institutions from several European Countries.
The studies and experiences of these associations have highlighted how sport, in all its forms, is the center of gravity of well-being (be it cultural, physical or mental). The Polisportiva AntropoSport A.S.D. has been created and founded with the intention to offer such a perspective also and especially to the younger generations and
therefore it deals with sport, in all its practices: mini-soccer tournaments, mini-basketball, athletics, martial arts, dance, etc.; moments experienced as recreational, leisure, socializing and healthy competition opportunities, besides being an approach and education to psycho-motor skills.
Our specialty is the organization of sport events; this allows us to dare new perspectives of dialogue between sports and other areas relevant to the Well-Being such as, for example, Environment and Nature, Medicine and Psychotherapy, Art and Creativity, Natural and Cultural Heritage. It's a new perspective for sport, at least in Italy, but rich in vision and satisfactions in which are really committed presently.
We want to extend all the potential ways that bring people closer to sport practice, to sport culture and that may possibly renew the sight on Sport as a carrier for integration, sharing and social communication, the motor of human and civil progress.
The mission of Antroposport and the experiences of its people have led it to a broad collaboration, such as for instance the technical and sport organization of the "Creative Sport Paths" within the Festival of the Two National Parks, currently at its ninth edition.
Within the Festival of the two Parks, it has implemented successfully since 2013 more than 50 events (trail running, hiking, soccer, mini-basketball, athletics, martial arts, dance, etc.) for all ages, having taking part with its team to several others and offering dayli activities for all ages, in the territories.
The Polisportiva Antroposport ASD organizes yearly 10 sport events open to the public, especially in the mountain regions of the two National Parks of Monti Sibillini and Gran Sasso e Monti della Laga and the countryside, with more than 1500 particpants yearly. It can count on a strong management team as well as on motivated sport clubs members and volunteers who make all the events possible.
It has strong relationships with local and regional associations and education institutes as well as with other sport clubs all over Italy. It can count on a strict cooperation with local municipalities where it holds its events as well as with several private sponsors on the territory as well as with the managing authorities of the two National Parks mentioned above.
Polisportiva Antroposport A.S.D. has in its DNA the conjugation of strong local roots with the ability to fly from a universe to another.
Permanent staff: 10 people
Volunteers: 30 people
Permanent members of the Sport club: 65
Particpant to sport events: 1500 approx yearly
The Polisportiva Antroposport A.S.D. is affiliated to the following bodies:
The Italian National Olympic Committee - C.O.N.I. – Registration number: 219019 ( )
The Italian Federation of Athletics – F.I.D.A.L.
The Italian Federation for Sport and Relational Intellectual Disability – FISDIR
The Italian Basketball Federation - FIP
Sport for All Movement - MSP Italia

The Running development centre Trail Running Croatia is a non-profit organization based in Zagreb, whose area of work covers promotion of running in nature all over Croatia, through the following main activities:
Promotion of trail running locations and races,
trail running as tourism: providing service for foreign runners that are visiting Croatia, giving them specific information as regards trail running routes at certain locations and/or connecting them with local running communities, along with other tourism services,
Organizing a series of short trail running races in cooperation with local Nature park, specially developed for new runners, promoting different locations in park and nearby cultural and natural heritage,
Developing and organizing educational workshops for developing basic navigation skills in nature and encouraging people to experience in running/hiking events, requiring navigation with map and compass,
Helping with organization of sport events, volunteering and building a network of people with shared interests

The Centre is at the forefront in Croazia as regards the development and managing of outdoor running events based on cultural and natural heritage as a lever for promotion of physical activity and education of people to outdoor activity, with special focus as regards training navigation skills and georeferencing.
Permanent staff: 15 people
Volunteers and supporting members: 40 people
Particpant to activites: 2500 approx yearly
The Municipality of Fyli is a suburban area of Athens (population: 45.000 people) with numerous social inequalities, which cause social tensions and difficulties in people’s co-existence. The Municipality of Fyli is the public authority in charge of providing social services, such as employment, education and training, food assistance, housing, health services, etc. A wide range of sports and cultural services for citizens of all ages are included through the various facilities it disposes (swimming pool, fitness centers, courts, dance halls, an Olympic fight center etc.). Specialized staff is employed in these facilities and there are also classes for people with special needs. More specifically, there are 700 children, 400 adults and 60 people with special needs training in the municipal swimming-pool. In the fitness center there are 200 people, in the basketball team 150 children and another 70 in the dance and theater teams. 200 children and 300 adults participate in the dance halls of the cultural associations, whereas in the hiking club there are 200 people.
The municipality of Fyli has collaborated with the other Municipalities to identify the practices, experiences and social needs in the area and to determine to what degree these needs are met. The Municipality has experience in the implementation of projects concerning housing, reintegration, education, psychological support, volunteer work and public health protection. The priority of the Municipality is to increase the number of participants in various activities with the aim to promote emotional and physical public health.
The Municipality of Fyli has numerous consultation groups/ committees for young people where they can engage in various athletic, social, cultural and touristic activities. Furthermore, it collaborates closely with all social agents and all cultural associations.
Permanent staff: 350 people
Particpant to activites: 4500 approx yearly

It is the first non-public higher education institution in central Poland that offers health-allied and medical-allied studies as well as business and pedagogy faculties. The world class school facility and an outstanding training atmosphere promoted by highly competent and most distinguished specialist, practitioners and academic teachers guarantee the unique and ambitious curriculum, theoretical knowledge and practical skills so desired in professional life. Young adults are taught how to take advantage of the acquired skills and knowledge as well as to keep on developing personal abilities and become professionally successful.
WSBINOZ conducts numerous researches and educational projects, cooperates with various education, health care and business –allied institutions, remains locally and regionally active in the field of conference and workshops organization, social work and community elicitation. Prominent and well-qualified managers, determined students and academics guarantee its successful development and involvement in various thematic projects related to development of new ideas and services, curriculum building, preparation
course syllabus, elaboration of materials and terminology for thematic courses and others.. WSBINOZ’s educational science department offers a wide range of courses and activities including workshops and seminars related to entrepreneurship, management and marketing, healthy and active living, healthy nutrition, dietetics and sport activities. We teach how to work with children and their families, to provide professional help to children, youth and adults, especially those who suffer from family violence and poor social situation. Education we offer also covers: early school education, pedagogy and health promotion, social pedagogy in the context of social work, therapeutic pedagogy and physical rehabilitation.
The authorities consider issues connected with university’s educational offer development as well as with scientific activities expansion as priority. It is essential to establish a suitable intellectual and material base to attract scientific, academic staff and young adults – future students.
WSBINOZ is situated in the center of Poland, in city of Lodz that presently displays a high growth potential and splendid prospects of becoming major business hub in the Central and Eastern Europe, although the employment rate is 9,5%. Moreover, Lodz is an important international research center that enjoy good reputation in the world. Its immense scientific potential exerts direct influence on science development in the country.
Permanent staff: 350 people
Students: 10500