The project SPORTHERITAGE aims at establishing a small collaborative partnership for the identification and exchange of good practices, for the development of skills in and through sport, based on valuable original synergies and interactions between grassroots sport/physical activity and cultural heritage.
In line with this, the Partners believe that creative and innovative strategies have to be adopted and/or conceived, which can attract more participants, of all ages, especially among the usually inactive citizens; the essential idea is to make physical activity fun, enjoyable and entartaining, proposing activities designed to stimulate, enhance participants’ interest and motivation, maximising their willingness and desire to engage and to this aim agree that cultural heritage can be used as a leverage and driver in reaching this goal.
The implementation of these strategies requires the development of new skills within grassroots organizaions staff as well as the staff of all organizations and public bodies in charge of sport, aiming at:
- exploring and identifying good practices based on the creative interaction between sport and cultural heritage as driver in reaching this goal to attract more people in the practice of health-enhancing physical activity;
- encouraging the acquisition of the good practices by the Partners staff, in the perspective of the development of new skill;
- reinforcing the capacities of Partner Organizations as regards the update and renewal of their value and organizational strategies as well as their impact on local communities;
- increase the capacities of Partner Organizations and staff to promote, along with sport values, local cultural heritage and assets, to trigger new social-economical positive dynamics;
- promoting innovative synergies between the field of sport and the fields of education and training.
The project will be implemented as Olympic Games of Skill in 4 stages, with 3 international creative workshop and the Olympic Final Event.
Programme: Erasmus+
Action: Sport Small Collaborative Partnership
Grant Agreement Number: 2018-2979-001-001
Project Title: Creating original synergies between physical activity and cultural heritage
Acronym: SportHeritage
Project Number: 603012-EPP-1-2018-1-IT-SPO-SSCP

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